Doll Romper & Shoes pattern Sold Separately!
Already have one of my costume patterns, check your e-mail, if you brought it from you will have been sent an update! Brought it on Etsy and want to make them dolly sized, here's what you will need:
* The Romper Pattern
* The Toddler Sized Mask made up per instructions
* Print the Tail/Chest Plate/Arm Wings at 65% (or shrink it on a photo copier). Follow your Photo Tutorial to make up them up. Note: The Cat Tail I added an additional ¼ inch after shrinking otherwise it was very skinny ;)
* Make up your Romper and add a colored felt Patch to right side, center of front romper fabric for that added bit of cute! For your patch you can pick any shape, I liked an oval (3.75 high by 2,75 inches wide) - but a cute circle (draw around the bottom of a cup) will be fab too!
And there you have it!!!! Super cute costumes for your dolls & kids alike and just in time for Halloween!

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