Brand: Dolls and Daydreams

Product Code: 17_CheekyCheeks _SEW

Availability:In stock

$ 5.99 5.99

Hand Embroidery or Painting Template to make a Cheeky Cheeks Doll Face in Three Sizes to fit both your Large and Small finished Dolls And Daydreams™ Sewing Pattern Dollies.

*** This is a PDF Hand Embroidery & Painting Pattern *** NOT for an EMBROIDERY machine!!!!!

My Cheeky Cheeks Doll Face was inspired by all things Cheeky, Cute and Sweet!  

* Stitch guide – How-To diagrams and instructions
* Original art work
* Transfer methods for both light and dark fabrics

* Lots of Helpful Embroidery Tips
* Photo Tutorial on how to transfer your NEW dolly face and position it into your doll pattern!

Change the character of your dolly - add a different face!