Wow, it's that time of year again May the 4th ... Star Wars Day! Hooray!! I always love seeing your amazing Star Wars fan art creations using my Dolls And Daydreams plush Toy and Kawaii Cute Doll Sewing and machine embroidery patterns! Here are some of my favorites! May the 4th be with You all! Enjoy!

How to make one!
👉For any of the main male Star Wars characters grab a boy sewing or machine embroidery Dress Up Doll and have fun adding felt appliques, mask and lightsabers. The Kawaii doll eyes are a favorite to use.

✂️ Loving his belt & Saber so cool!

✂️ Trace a mask onto craft felt from a coloring page for a quick Storm trooper!

✂️ Need a Friend? Chewbacca is easy to whip up!! Think Dress Up Teddy with no Ears and out of the fluffiest fabric you can find!!!

✂️ LOL yes that is a mini Teddy made into an ewok!

✂️ LOL Even the Quick kids Patterns will work!
👉Princess Leia an absolute fan favorite is easy to whip up too using a sewing or machine embroidery Dress Up Doll. The best patterns to use as your base are Heidi or the Guardian Angel Tree topper!

✂️ The Graduation gown makes a Leia outfit! Just add a hood!

👉Baby Yoda 'the child' is such a cutie pie and ever so easy to make! Grab the Tooth Goblin or the Tiny Tot BunBun Pattern (As seen above!)

👉Here's the last of our Star Wars fun! Hope you feel inspired to make some Fan Art Today! Happy Sewing!

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