I was very honored to be contacted by UK Sew Home Magazine for an exclusive Dolls And Daydreams™ interview in their Business Bites section! So if you'd like to learn more about what I get up to and how to run a successful business with children in mind why not pick up an issue (Issue 49) :)
It made my day to hear it's out!!! But what made me even happier is that my wonderful Nanna (86 shhhhh she doesn't think I know how old she is!) who taught me to sew all those years ago made a special trip with my Granddad (94) today as she wants her own copy! Oh I love them!
Thank you to everyone over at Sew Home, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you!
Sew Home is on Facebook too! Hooray! Right I'm off to 'like' them hehehe

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