Here's my NEW Sewing Room Make Over! Ahh it's my slice of Dolls And Daydreams™ Heaven!
Remember where I was before? It was getting rather crazy trying to fit everything into such a small space ... and once my little girl figured out how to open the baby gate and cut a chuck of her hair with my scissors ... it was clear I had to move!
I've no before photos, think unfinished basement used for storage ... think concrete walls and big red steal girders (don't they look pretty painted white! Almost like fairy lights) .... the tile floor was here ... but everything else my very DIY savvy husband created ..... took him 2 months .. wow ..... and I love it!!! "Thank you darling!!!!" I've been down here for about a month and finally feel like I have made it my own :)
Let me walk you though it!
A - I store all of my scrap felt and fabric, trim and yarn in these wonderful Ikea Shelves.
B - I draw up all of my patterns - sketch new designs and drink tea.
C - I cut & sew all of my creations up.
D - I prep all of my fabric, trim etc.
E - My escape route if my sewing machine jams ;)
Over here is the sewing & photo tute area. I love the fact I have a natural light from a window and I get to plant lots of flowers .. us Brits do love our Gardens!
Right I didn't need to label the sewing machine ;) but ...
F - I love these plastic see through mini shelves!! I can see everything without opening them! Fab! So I store all my colored thread in the ones on the left and all my go to tools like my disappearing quilters pens in the one on the right.
G - Pin boards ladies are brilliant!!! I can hang all of my rulers, scissors and doll needles from them, you'll never misplace anything again!!
H - Daylight Light Lamp for my embroidery.
I - Pretty wicker laundry basket to store all my stuffing in.
J - My mini Ikea ironing board .. perfect for doll sized pattern pieces Inside I store a mini vac for when I use faux fur ... that way I suck it up as I cut it out ... ahhh less mess.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yup .. Hubby loves making tables .. and this one is on wheels ... wheeeeee! Brilliant and still has a ton of storage in it!
Nothing too ground breaking here but ....
K - Another fab Ikea Shelving unit for my fabric this time! Plus, if you have faux fur, I like to keep it stored in see through bags .. reduces the shedding and you can still color match with your fabric swatches :)
M - you can't see it in the room photo ... but I love this plastic draws on wheels for storing my fat 1/4s in ... pull out a draw and ta da I can see them all.
And now you know where I sit as I type and chat to you all online :)
hmmmmm .. lots of important things here to look at ....
N - Can't live without my Laptop!
O - This dolly is not only teaching me Chinese ... but she's always telling me she loves me and we're best friends ... ahhhh love that positive vibe!! Plus she's super kawaii!
P - A hand painted tile I brought back from India for my Tea to sit on.
Q - Best mouse ever for stopping carpel tunnel .....
R - My new smart phone ... I love Instagram!
S - Scrap bins.
T - Pin Board for design ideas etc I'm very visual when it comes to creating :)
U - My tea cup hehehehe
V - My stack of current on the go patterns ....
W - Trash can/rubbish bin ... I have 4 .... one for scrap thread/fabric, 1 - general rubbish, and the other 2 for paper/recyclable
And there you have it!! Hope you have enjoyed the tour ..... and the next time you are working through one of my patterns you can think of me here ... creating away with you!

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