Sale extended!

🎉 Hooray! The 1 & Only Summer SALE has been Extended! 🎉 It now ends Saturday 13th at Midday (AZ, USA) With so many lovely emails and comments from clients away that were so sad not to take part and then with the New Doll Carrier release this week, I thought it would be great to be able to offer it at the Sale discount to everyone and look after my lovely sewing sisters who have been on holiday!
I just love the NEW Dress Up Doll/Softie Carrier Pattern and it's Out NOW!!
Fun, fast and easy to stitch up, being a baby wearing mama this is close to my heart, i wish i had made one for my little girl when her brother was born - we could have matched! 

❤ ✄ Find the ITH (comes in 3 hoop sizes) Doll Carrier PatternHere! 

Pop your Dress Up sized friends in and carry them close to your heart.
Baby Doll Wearing is the best! Never lose a dolly again!

❤ ✄ Find the Doll Carrier PDF Sewing Pattern Here! 

❤ Happy Sewing Ladies!
Sarah xxxxx
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