So pleased you would like to make an Account! It's a brilliant way to keep track of your purchases and make a wishlist! It also means you can collect your old pattern orders again if you loose them, see our FAQ page on how!
Making an Account is easy.
1) When you open our blue screen Newsletter popup will greet you.
This is NOT your Account Sign Up! This is for our Newsletter only.
2) If you have already Signed Up for our Newsletter Close the Pop up.
3) Hooray - here is the nice White Website Home Page! Ok now Let's get you Signed Up for an Account.
4) Go up to the Top Right Hand Side - A - click on 'Register'.
5) You will see the 'Create Account' page - add your info and Click the black 'Create' button.
6) That was Easy! You will now see this "Account Details and Order History" Page - you are Logged In and can start adding to your Wishlist!
Plus you will also receive a "Customer account confirmation" email.
7) Next time you come to my site go to the Top Right Hand corner and click the 'Log-In' - B - drop down button.
8) The Log In Section will Drop Down from the Top of your Screen - enter your e-mail and Password and click the 'Log in' black button. Here it is highlighted in red so you can see it. And Ta Da! You will be logged back in :)
Trouble Shooting
Did you Try Logging In and you get the "Invalid Login Credentials" page?
A) You might have Forgotten your Password - Click the blue link and ask for an e-mail to be sent to you using your Log-In e-mail address.
You will then receive an e-mail and link to Reset your Password.
B) You were taken to the "No Account Found with That E-mail". This means you DO NOT have an account attached to that e-mail.
You can buy from my shop without an account and you will receive Newsletter (as that is a different sign up) - this does not mean you have an account.
Follow Step 4 - 6 and create an Account.
Good News!
My site will never create 2 accounts using the same e-mail and it will pull all of your past 'Guest' order over to your New Account! Hooray!!