Watch the 2019 - updated video tutorial!!! 5 Methods!!! Hooray!
Quickly Learn 5 Easy Methods using Pastels, Wax Crayons, Fabric Marker Pens, Acrylic Paint, and Blusher (makeup). Whether you like a bold Kawaii Cute look or a soft Art Doll one, there's a technique for you!
Want to know how to get that soft cheek look for your dolls and softies? Well look no further, I'm about to show you! I'm always being asked how to do this via e-mail and facebook I thought it was about time I wrote it up for the blog! Hooray!
You can achieve this look using either one of these 3 methods:

.... with all of these methods I suggest you do a test cheek or two on some scrap first!

You can achieve a different look using a different color. Pinks tones, Brown Tones and Peach Tones all look very pretty!
You can achieve this look using either one of these 3 methods:

.... with all of these methods I suggest you do a test cheek or two on some scrap first!
1) Fabric Paint - with a soft real hair brush (like one used for water coloring) dilute your fabric paint with water. Sample (a) was the tip of my brush in the fabric paint added to 2 big drops of water, Sample (b) was two times as much water. Same color, but see how softer it looks. If you paint it on and it looks two soft .. add another layer when it's dry.
2) Crayons - yup, raid your kids coloring draw and nab those Peaches - Sample (c) and Pinks - Sample (d). With a light pressure and using a circular motion color your fabric creating your cheek. Layer the color on until it builds up otherwise it will look waxy and patchy.
3) Blusher - remember those free samples you thought you'd keep .. well now you can dedicate them to dolly!!! Use an eye shadow brush, blow the excess blush off of it and lightly brush the rest onto your fabric. Again ... layer the blush on, build up the color until you create the cheek you are after.
Different Looks

You can achieve a different look using a different color. Pinks tones, Brown Tones and Peach Tones all look very pretty!

You can achieve a different look with the amount of cheek color you add. Soft and light hints at a cheek, medium looks like a natural glow, and define looks rosy!
When should I pop my cheeks on my dolly?
I recommend you create your face BEFORE you sew up your doll until you are used to these methods .. that way if you make a mistake or they look like your 3 year old got a hold of it (it happens to the best of us don't worry!) .. you won't have to scrap your whole doll ... just simply re-do your face!
Why do my cheeks look different on this softie compared to my doll?
Remember - the color of your cheeks will change with the color of your face fabric - always test first!
Can I wash the doll now?
If you set your fabric paint (following the manufactures instruction) you should be able to hand wash & spot clean. I would suggest only spot cleaning for the last two methods.
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